
Links (useful and otherwise)

Work Related
University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand)
Lincoln University (Canterbury, New Zealand)
The Centre for Advanced Engineering *
The New Zealand Coastal Society (New Zealand wide)
Synapsys NZ Ltd. (Christchurch, New Zealand)
Charliehorse Ltd. (Nelson, New Zealand)

*  ceased operations in June 2015. An on-line archive of CAE material is available on the University of Canterbury Research Repository pages

Books and Booksellers
Book Depository (UK based; free shipping, vast range of new books)
AbeBooks (International network of second-hand booksellers)
Biblio (Another international network of second-hand booksellers)
Bookfinder (Search for second-hand and out-of-print titles)
Biblioz (Also searchs for second-hand and out-of-print titles)
Open Library (Wikipedia style catalog of books, some downloadable)
Internet Archive (Digital library offering free access to books, movies, music and web pages)
Google Books (Online catalog of books, including current titles; some can be previewed/downloaded)
HathiTrust (Large-scale repository of digital content from research libraries; some can be previewed/downloaded)
Project Gutenberg (Library of (mostly) out-of-print texts for download)
Wordsmith ('Word a Day', anagram finder, language use)
Readabilty Index (Calculates readability index online)
Kiwi Words and Phrases (Dictionary of words and expressions commonly used in New Zealand)
World Wide Words (English from a British viewpoint – with a great list of 'weird' words)
Synonyms and Antonyms (Self-explanatory – one of the better on-line options)
Oxford Dictionaries On-line (Essential!)
Writers Toolkit (NZ Society of Authors resource pages)
Time Wasters
Mental Floss (Random, obscure and 'amazing' facts, trivia galore)
The Onion (Satirical news, sometimes mistaken for fact by those who should know better)
The Fergus Falls Journal ('Grader clips parked pickup' – small town America at its finest)
KCNA News (North Korea's official 'news' agency – compellingly weird [Has English option])
28 Days Later (Massive UK Urbex site)
Shakespearean Insult Generator and Shakespearean Insult Kit (Just fun...)